In the following criminal cases, the WatchTower Society - Jehovah's Witnesses religion served as the spiritual element of the perpetrator's and/or other actor's formative environment, or otherwise served as a major influencer of the perpetrator's and/or other actor's behavior. The following cases are often tragic, and speak for themselves.
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Yes, it is true. The PSYCHIATRIC UNIT at a small city's Hospital was labeled by hospital staff as "THE KINGDOM HALL" back in the 1980s-1990s.
A retired Psychiatrist, who had practiced in a lightly populated locale, where the numbers of "Jehovah's Witnesses" were sparse, was recently asked whether he had treated many Jehovah's Witnesses over the years. Pausing to thoughtfully form his answer, he smiled and stated, "Let's just say that there must be a whole lot of Jehovah's Witnesses living in my neck of the woods."
Visitors should be aware that our website has been "canceled" by the "woke crowd" which now governs the international XJW community. While they presently claim additional issues, their original decision was made because we refused to comply with their multiple demands for us to remove the descriptives "African-American", "Black", and ""Hispanic" from our large number of criminal court case summaries. First, we will never kowtow to "people" whose only accomplishment in life is "licking feces" from body parts.
Second, is our life experience, from which we obviously learned more than those who would be our bosses. With only a minimum of exceptions, the WatchTower Cult has mostly failed the African-American community. The decades of thousands of hours annually wasted knocking the doors of disinterested homeowners should have been spent fathering the hundreds of thousands of fatherless A-A JW children. This editor's "only" friend during his elementary school years was a fatherless A-A boy three years older than editor. The BOE did nothing for that kid except assign him TMS talks and harass him to put in more hours in field service. When that kid entered high school, minor negative incidents began to increase in quality and quantity -- with the BOE's only response being to suggest more field service and more personal study. The kid was disfellowshipped his sophomore year, and he never again set foot inside the Kingdom Hall. That A-A kid with great potential wound up living for five more decades being nothing more than a leech on society.
NOT ALL SUCH A-A KIDS NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING. Click here to listen to KATT WILLIAMS (jump to minute 30:00 of Episode 1399) relate how this "hustler" had been a child prodigy reared by devout "Jehovah's Witness Parents" until age 13, when his BOE "tried" to disfellowship him for "porneia" although he was still a "virgin". For the first time, thirteen year-old Katt used his genius IQ to see through the BS and errors of not only his local Elders, but the WatchTower Cult itself. Allegedly, such led to a physical confrontation between Katt and his JW Father, and local authorities and child protective services may have become involved. Katt decided that the best solution for his JW Parents and two younger brothers was for him to run away from home. Dressed in "Kingdom Hall clothing", Katt gathered together his $2500 "hustlin'" savings, his Rott puppy, and his cigarettes, and he went to a local Dayton, Ohio truck stop, where he hopped a tractor-trailer that took him to Miami, Florida. There, Katt lived in a homeless encampment. Katt soon went to Haiti as a missionary for 17 months. After being ejected from the Marine Corps -- for being underaged -- Katt tried "pimping" before eventually entering show business traveling with JEFF FOXWORTHY and LARRY THE CABLE GUY. Katt still professes unclear faith in JESUS CHRIST and the Father.
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NEW SOUTH WALES v. ROBERT SLOAN (Multiple 1980 to 2024.) VICTORIA v. ROBERT SLOAN (Multiple 1985 to 2011.) SOUTH AUSTRALIA v. ROBERT SLOAN (2005). Australian Robert Sloan (b1963) is a 61 year old ONE MAN CRIME WAVE. Sloan spent his life using and selling drugs, and committing nearly every crime that presented itself. Sloan pled guilty to murder in 2024.
Robert Sloan and his sister Doreen were raised by their paternal grandmother who died in 2020. Robert resided with her between the ages of two and 15. His grandmother was a Jehovah's Witness who would tell him that "the world is going to end any day". She never gave him much hope for the future. She rented out a one-bedroom flat to a soldier who sexually assaulted Sloan when he was eight years old for about 6 months. Sloan reported that he was also sexually assaulted by a teacher when he was in year seven at Casula High School.
Robert Sloan was publicly employed for only about nine months after leaving high school. Robert Sloan's father, who is aged 82, was described by Sloan as an alcoholic who never worked a day in his life. Matthew Sloan, Robert's only child, died from a drug overdose at the age of 20.
ILLINOIS v. JACOB B. NODARSE was a 2010-13 Illinois TRIPLE MURDER case. In March 2010, around 3:00 AM, Jacob Nodarse, age 23, of Countryside, Illinois, broke into the Darien, Illinois home of the Kramer Family, and shot and killed three of the five people then present -- father, mother, and son. Jake Nodarse did so as a "favor" for his drug dealer, who was involved in an ongoing contentious child custody battle with the Kramers' daughter. Nodarse was arrested two days later at his Jehovah's Witness Parents' home near Fort Myers, Florida. Jacob Nodarse quickly reached a plea deal with prosecutors in which he would plead "Guilty But Mentally Ill" to only a single count of murder in exchange for his cooperation and testimony in the prosecution of his drug dealer. Nodarse ultimately received a 75 year prison sentence. At that trial, Jake Nodarse testified that:
"Although he had never seen a psychologist or psychiatrist during his youth, Nodarse testified that he had been depressed since the fifth grade. He explained that his parents were strict Jehovah's Witnesses. As a child, Nodarse was not allowed to be involved in extracurricular activities due to the bad influences from people of other faiths. His parents would throw away many of his possessions, such as CDs and DVDs. This led to friction between Nodarse and his parents, and 'an abusive and hostile environment.' He testified that his parents would beat him, which led him to begin cutting himself with a knife. He began smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol during his junior year in high school. He moved away from home during his senior year of high school, and his parents and younger sister subsequently moved to Fort Myers, Florida."
FLORIDA v. EVERETT GLENN MILLER is the ongoing MURDER - DEATH PENALTY case resulting from the 2017 murders of two Kissimmee, Florida African-American police officers by a 45 year-old African-American retired US Marine Master Sergeant named Everett "Glenn" Miller. Miller had enjoyed a "happy childhood" in a large, extended devout Jehovah's Witness family until his JW Parents divorced -- with Miller's remarried JW Father, Rufus Miller, receiving custody of Everett. As Miller got older, he rebelled against WatchTower rules and eventually went to live with his by-then non-JW mother. After graduating high school in 1989, Everett Miller served as an "exemplary" Marine until 2010 -- progressively being promoted as a NCO. By 2017, Miller had gradually become mentally ill, radicalized, and very active on local social media -- hating whites and police officers. On the night of the murders, Miller seemingly inserted himself as a constitutional rights "auditor" into a public scenario not involving himself. Miller apparently executed both officers with unexpected single gunshots to their heads, later followed up by single gunshots to their faces -- after first posing the two bodies. During the sentencing phase of his trial, Rufus Miller and other JW relatives reminisced about the times when Glenn Miller had attended Kingdom Hall meetings and WatchTower conventions and assemblies. Typically, jail officials described Miller as a "model prisoner". Pending.
KANSAS v. JAYLON DESEAN ELMORE is an ongoing 2022-24 ATTEMPTED CAPITAL MURDER prosecution. On March 4, 2022, Jaylon Elmore, an 18 year old, 180 lbs, 6'0" tall, African-American Senior member of the Track and Football Teams (wide receiver and defensive back) at Olathe East High School, in Olathe, Kansas, was pulled out of shop class after a fellow student reported that Elmore had a pistol in his backpack. Elmore reportedly refused to allow an Assistant Principal to search his backpack, and proclaimed that he was going to walk home. The AP called for the School Resource Officer, a 15 year law enforcement officer. When the SRO blocked Elmore's exit, Jaylon Elmore pulled out an illegal, homemade 9mm pistol and fired four shots. The SRO was struck by all four bullets, while the wrestling AP and Elmore were each struck by two shots returned by the SRO. Fortunately, neither the SRO nor AP were mortally injured, and spent only minimal time in the hospital. Elmore spent nearly two months in the hospital recovering from the SRO's return fire. The prosecution has suspiciously proceeded quite slowly.
KANSAS v. JAYLON D. ELMORE. Jaylon Elmore already was a convicted felon. In February 2021, Elmore pled guilty in juvenile court to having robbed with injury a victim of their wallet in December 2020, and received six months probation -- already cleared by the time of the shooting.
Jaylon Elmore has an unidentified Stepfather, with whom it is suggested that Elmore does not get along. Elmore's primary influencer appears to be his "devout" Jehovah's Witness Mother, named Tammie Thompson, who is employed as a Life Skills Paraprofessional at nearby Piper High School. Jaylon Elmore also has two sisters -- one younger teen, and one older emancipated adult -- who each may dote on Elmore. JW Mother Tammie Thompson portrays son Jaylon Elmore as a long-term victim of "racism".
Despite the seeming plethora of online info about Michelle Yvette Busha, we have found only a smattering of details about Michelle Busha's brief 18 years of life, and her repeated betrayals. Michelle Busha (b1961) and two siblings (a sister and a brother) evidently were born in Texas to father Donald Busha and a still unidentified mother, who divorced at some point. Michelle Busha and her sister possibly were reared along with four half-siblings in North Carolina by a Stepfather and re-married Mother, who were Jehovah's Witnesses. It is alleged that this 1970s Jehovah's Witness Family typically homeschooled their children, and kept their children isolated from the "world".
In early 1979, when she was 17 years old, Michelle Busha ran away from her Jehovah's Witness Parents. Police soon found her in Colorado, and sent her to her father in Texas. After she turned 18, in December 1979, Michelle began hitchhiking around the country -- apparently visiting various relatives. In May 1980, Minnesota State Trooper Robert Leroy Nelson saw Michelle get out of a van near Interstate 90. Trooper Nelson ordered Busha inside his cruiser, drove her to an isolated area, sodomized her, and then murdered her. Busha's dumped corpse was not identified until 2015.
It is high time that the Jehovah's Witness Stepfather and Mother be identified, and they at least tell their side of this story -- regardless of the accuracy. Even the Texas Busha Family needs to do a better job than they have done. Michelle deserved better, and still deserves better.
MASSACHUSETTS v. BENJAMIN SILVA was a 1994-95 MURDER prosecution. Benjamin Silva had been reared by a strict Jehovah's Witness Father and Jehovah's Witness Stepmother from the age of two until he was 15 years-old, when Silva's JW Parents turned him over to the State -- possibly due to Silva's having been disfellowshipped. Silva thereafter lived with foster parents until he was 18. Six months later, the homeless Silva robbed and murdered another homeless man at the Davis subway station. Benjamin Silva was convicted by a jury of second degree murder, and sentenced to life in prison with the possibilty of parole. Parole was denied in 2014 and 2018, but was GRANTED in 2023. Silva was last known to be a practicing Wiccan.
RAY LEE, BEATRIZ "BETTY" LEE, and JOSHUA NEIL LEE ESTATE v. DAVID BARRIENTOS-BRUNO, HILDA BARRIENTOS-MORALES, and CELESTINO BRUNO-FLORES was a 2012-?? South Carolina WRONGFUL DEATH civil lawsuit filed by the Jehovah's Witness Parents of a deceased 13 year-old boy who had been accidentally shot while spending the night smoking pot and drinking Gray Goose in the bedroom of an apparent gangbanging high school friend. The lawsuit claimed that 17 year old David Bruno and his parents owed damages to Joshua Lee's JW Parents for their son's wrongful death, arguing that Bruno was negligent, careless, and reckless in shooting Joshua N. Lee on June 26, 2011, and leaving the scene without offering or seeking help. Further, Bruno's parents allegedly also failed to use reasonable care to watch over and protect the Lee's Kingdom Hall attending son, Joshua Lee. Law enforcement had responded to more than two dozen calls at the Bruno home since 2007. Outcome unknown.
We intentionally provide only basic info because we want online sleuthes in 2023 to download the multiple 2012 newspaper articles and particularly compare the 1990s photographs of alleged murderer, Abraham Ernesto Rafael, born circa 1977, with social media photos of 2020s "Abraham Ernesto Rodriguez" recently living in El Salvador. Sleuthes also should compare 2012 photos of then 60 year-old Australian Jehovah's Witness Minister, Rafael Rodriguez, who was convicted of aiding his son, Abraham E. Rodriguez, then age 18, to flee Australia in 1995, and return to their home country, El Salvador, to escape a potential MURDER prosecution.
Originally from El Salvador, the wealthy Rodriguez family were first forced to flee to Mexico in 1980 after a military coup forced out of power the ruling Social Democratic Party. It took the wealthy Rodriguez family four years to somehow get visas into Australia. At some point, the wealthy Rodriguez family converted to "Jehovah's Witnesses", and began inter-marrying with prominent Aussie JWs, and quickly cut out a piece of the Aussie pie for themselves.
In August 1995, in Sydney, 18 year-old Abraham Ernesto Rodriguez STABBED TO DEATH sixteen year-old Peter Savage during a mugging. Abraham Ernesto Rodriguez thereafter gave the knife to a friend to clean and hide, and then went home and later that night told his father, Rafael Rodriguez, what had occurred. Two things happened the next morning. Rafael Rodriguez applied for the necessary legal documentation for his son to leave Australia, and Rafael Rodriguez obtained possession of the murder weapon, and allegedly ultimately disposed of it. Abraham Ernesto Rodriguez initially escaped Australia on a flight to Los Angeles as soon as the necessary documentation was received. At some unknown time, Abraham Ernesto Rodriguez eventually returned to El Salvador, where he supposedly has been visited by Rafael Rodriguez and other family members. Sleuthes should not rule out that the overabundance of El Salvador online activity is a feint to hide the possibility that Abraham Rodriguez actually lives in USA.
In 2012, Rafael Rodriguez was prosecuted for being an accessory after the fact to murder, but the jury convicted him on the lesser felony of accessory after the fact to manslaughter, and then the trial judge "Peter Hidden" gave Rafael Ridriguez a SUSPENDED two year sentence, stating in part:
"In this country, [Rafael Rodriguez] has been a responsible and industrious citizen. I have abundant evidence of his good character in a number of testimonials and in the oral evidence of his [prominent Jehovah's Witness businessman] son-in-law, Nathan Izci. There is no need to set this material out in any detail. It establishes that the offender has been a consistent worker and is a devoted father, and it attests to his integrity, generosity, and loyalty. He is a respected member of the Jehovah's Witnesses church."
After the verdict, but before the sentencing hearing, the Prosecutor had opposed a continuation of bail for Rafael Rodriguez, stating in part:
"This case is about flight after a serious crime. ... It is clear that Rafael Rodriguez has a support network overseas. I am instructed that Rodriguez is supported by an international religious organisation which may be in a position to facilitate that flight."
LOUISIANA v. JARRELL NEAL, LOUISIANA v. ZANNIE NEAL, and LOUISIANA v. ARTHUR DARBY (1998-2023). These three hoodrat criminals are the son and grandsons of Jehovah's Witness Matriarch Alice Darby, aka Alice Gray, aka Alice Neal, who had 58 descendants by her 2023 death. Brother Sol Carter had the honor of officiating at her Kingdom Hall funeral.
In March 1998, around 11:30 p.m., armed intruders entered the Metairie, Louisiana home of Claudette Hurst with the apparent intent of collecting an overdue drug debt from her stepfather. Though her stepfather had moved out of the house a few weeks earlier, Hurst shared the home with her three children, her boyfriend Fergus Robinson, and her brother Carl Duncan. While sleeping in the living room with her younger daughter, Hurst was awakened by some noise and heard her boyfriend telling someone to take it outside. She peeked around a wall into an adjoining room and saw a person (later identified as victim Greg Vickers) with a red hood over his head kneeling on the floor and a tall, thin person dressed in black clothing aiming a AK47 at Robinson. Hurst and Robinson then ran to a bedroom in the back of the house where Carl Duncan and his girlfriend were smoking marijuana, and held the door shut against one of the intruder's repeated attempts to push his way into the room. Unable to enter the room, the intruder fired approximately six shots through the door, striking Robinson in the right leg and severing his femoral artery, and Duncan in the right arm; in addition, the subsequent investigation revealed that one of the intruders shot Vickers in the back of his neck and severed his carotid artery. Fergus Robinson and Greg Vickers died at the scene.
During this time, a next door neighbor, Seneca Johnson, and her boyfriend, Larry Osborne, were returning home from a nearby Shell station where they had purchased some food for Johnson who was seven weeks pregnant. While sitting in Osborne's car, they heard numerous gunshots and Osborne saw two men wearing ski masks running down the sidewalk. As the men approached his car, he noticed one of the men carried a rifle. In an effort to protect his girlfriend, he pushed her head down and leaned over her as a hail of bullets began riddling the car; however, despite Osborne's efforts a bullet struck Johnson in the buttocks. About thirty seconds after the shooting stopped, Osborne finally looked up and the two men were gone.
At the same time, an off-duty Jefferson Parish Sheriffs deputy had just dropped his father off at home around the corner from the Hurst residence when he heard numerous gunshots and saw a black Toyota 4-Runner driving away at a high rate of speed. The deputy immediately began following the 4-Runner in his marked police cruiser. After observing the 4-Runner run a stop sign and a red light, the deputy activated his lights and siren and radioed for backup; eventually, two more units joined in the chase. During the chase, the deputies observed a black male (later identified as Jarrell Neal) lean out of the passenger's window and begin shooting at them with an AK-47. Moments later, the stupid hoodrat named Jarrell Neal fell out of the 4-Runner, got up, and began running towards a nearby drainage canal. After a brief chase, deputies arrested Jarrell Neal and recovered the AK-47. Ballistics tests later showed that casings recovered from inside the 4-Runner and at the murder scene, and bullets recovered from Fergus Robinson were fired from the same AK-47. While deputies were arresting Jarrell Neal, the driver of the 4-Runner (later identified as Arthur Darby) jumped out of the vehicle and ran to some nearby houses where he hid for about 15 minutes until a K-9 unit located him. Deputies also arrested Zannie Neal who was sitting in the backseat of the 4-Runner.
Uncle Arthur Darby turned state's witness and testified at trial that his nephews Jarelle Neal and Zannie Neal came to his house the night of the murders and told him they were going to collect an overdue drug debt and needed a driver. Darby testified that Zannie was driving, he was in the front seat and Jarelle was in the back seat. After they had gone about a block, Zannie asked Darby if he had his .38 pistol. When Darby told him "no", Zannie told him he might need it, so they returned to Darby's house to retrieve the pistol. Darby further testified that when they arrived at the Hurst residence, Zannie told him to get in the driver's seat, which he did, with the engine running and the lights off. According to Darby, Jarelle Neal exited the vehicle with the AK-47, and Jarelle and Zannie went inside the house. Moments later, Darby heard numerous gunshots, and Jarrell and Zannie Neal came running back to the 4-Runner. Darby also stated that when the men returned, Jarelle was carrying the AK-47 and Zannie had a pistol. Jarelle Neal told Darby to pull off fast and told him that "the nigger was down bad for trying to play him, but now he crying like a little bitch." Darby testified that Zannie told him that his gun jammed when a guy came at him and he hit him over the head and the gun went off and the bullet went in the floor.
ARIZONA v. CHAD B. SLATCHER was a February 2018 arrest. Reportedly arrested for "suspicion of failure to pay traffic control device", then age 20 Chad Slatcher later was charged with "reckless driving" and "failure to obey a traffic control device". Outcome unknown, but interesting given the following: Chad Slatcher allegedly is the son of JW Elder and WatchTower Society spokesperson Steven B. Slatcher, of Clearwater, Florida and Mesa, Arizona, who allegedly is employed by American Traffic Systems, which manufactures, sells, and installs Red Light Violation Camera Enforcement Systems.
UNITED STATES v. AJIBADE THOMPSON ADEGOKE, MARYLAND v. AJIBADE THOMPSON ADEGOKE, and PENNSYLVANIA v. AJIBADE THOMPSON ADEGOKE. Ajibade Thompson Adegoke, age 45, an ILLEGAL ALIEN from Nigeria, overstayed a 2017 tourist visa. Ajibade Adegoke supposedly has a wife and five children in Nigeria. Ajibade Thompson has been and still is being used by the ACLU as its "face" in its legal efforts on behalf of ILLEGAL ALIENS. Ajibade Thompson Adegoke has "strong ties to the Jehovah's Witness community in Baltimore".
Ajibade Thompson Adegoke was arrested in Baltimore in 2019, after what his lawyers claimed was a mistaken accusation of shoplifting. The charge was dropped, but he was taken into ICE custody from jail. His bond was set at $15,000, which he then could not pay.
On February 1, 2023, a bench warrant was issued for Ajibade Thompson Adegoke out of York, Pennsylvania, for an unpaid speeding ticket -- exceeding the speed limit by 25 mph. Apparently, ACLU celebrities can endanger the lives of American citizens by driving as fast as they want, and without responsibility.
CALIFORNIA v. GUSTAVO CHAVEZ is the latest 2021-23 chapter of a multi-decades long "book". Defendant was monitored on his most recent supervised release by probation officer Teresa Dickey. About four months after successfully completing supervised release in February 2021, defendant sent Dickey over 5,000 text messages from June 2021 to August 2021. The text messages included what Dickey described as bizarre or extreme religious statements, statements regarding killing or harming law enforcement officers, and threats about cutting the heads off law enforcement officers, a park ranger, and a Kern County Superior Court judge. Dickey reported the threats against others up her chain of command and to the police.
On September 13, 2021, Bakersfield police officers apprehended defendant. Defendant was working with a machete while performing his job as a tree trimmer when officers found him. As officers approached, defendant kept the machete in his hand and refused commands by the officers to stop and drop the machete. Defendant began walking towards the officers and said the officers would have to shoot him. As defendant began to run or jog with the machete in hand, an officer shot defendant with a Taser device in the back. The Taser dropped defendant to the ground, and defendant then complied with commands to relinquish the machete. Officers were then able to take defendant into custody.
In connection with the October 2021 competency hearing, the trial court reviewed the report of psychologist Dr. Matthews, who had been appointed to assess defendant. In part, Dr. Matthews concluded that: defendant believed that God makes statements through him; defendant is one of 144,000 individuals that God has placed on earth to serve God and prevent war; defendant denied having a mental illness; defendant does have a mental disorder; defendant's condition was serious and uncontrolled and could result in serious harm to himself; defendant was a severe threat and/or danger to others; defendant was unpredictable and not behaviorally controlled; and defendant required psychiatric treatment and evaluation. Dr. Matthews did not identify a specific mental disorder or make a formal diagnosis.
On February 17, 2022, the trial court heard testimony from Dickey. In relevant part, Dickey testified that she supervised defendant twice while he was on supervised release. Dickey explained that her interactions with defendant varied significantly depending on whether he was taking medication. When defendant was taking his medication, he did very well; when he was not taking medication, he acted agitated and angry and would often speak about God and religion. Dickey also testified that a Department of Corrections document stated that defendant had schizophrenia.
On February 24, 2022, defendant testified before the jury. Defendant's testimony had aspects of the following: defendant is a Jehovah's Witness; he serves and was appointed by God; he is a member of the celestial 144,000 family; he is part of the body of Christ; he is dead in the flesh but lives in the spirit of God; he is dead to and freed from the law, including man's law; he delivers messages from God and God speaks through him; he is at war spiritually; he does not back down; he does what God wants him to do; and God will do and accomplish whatever God chooses to do. Variations on these and other beliefs/tenants peppered the entirety of defendant's trial testimony. With respect to the charges against him, defendant testified that he did not threaten anyone through text messages, rather, he was following God's instructions to send the messages. Defendant also explained that he did not put the machete down when ordered because he did not know if the people confronting him were really the police. Defendant testified that although he was walking with the machete towards one of the police officers, he was only trying to get out of the situation and did not intend to hurt anyone.
Finally, during the March 1, 2022, bifurcated proceeding, the trial court noted that defendant had been polite and worked well within the court system, and that, even though defendant's testimony included statements that might be considered bizarre or outside the norm, defendant believed the statements and they were part of his defense. Based on its observations, the trial court found no substantial evidence of incompetency and no basis to question the prior determination of competency.
On February 16, 2022, the Kern County District Attorney filed an amended information] charging defendant with two counts of making threats to commit a crime which would result in death or great bodily injury; threatening the life of, or serious bodily injury to, a public official; assault with a deadly weapon against a peace officer; resisting a peace officer by threats or violence; and misdemeanor delaying, resisting, or obstructing a peace officer. The amended information further alleged as to counts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 that defendant had suffered a prior strike conviction, which also qualified as a prior serious felony conviction. As to counts 3 and 4, the amended information also alleged defendant personally used a deadly weapon, a machete. Prior to trial, the trial court granted a motion by the People to dismiss count 3.
A jury trial began on February 14, 2022, and concluded on February 28, 2022. The jury found defendant guilty on all counts and found true that defendant personally used a deadly weapon in committing count 4. The jury also found the following aggravating factors: the crime involved great bodily injury, the defendant was armed with or used a weapon, and the defendant engaged in conduct that indicates a serious danger to society.
On March 1, 2022, as part of a bifurcated proceeding, the jury found true that defendant was convicted of the 1998 strike. On March 15, 2022, defense counsel filed a sentencing memorandum in which he made a Romero motion.
On April 6, 2022 (after having heard arguments on March 29, 2022), the trial court denied defendant's Romero motion and imposed a sentence. The court sentenced defendant to an aggregate term of 14 years and eight months of incarceration as follows: as to count 4, six years (the upper term of three years doubled due to the prior strike conviction), plus a one-year weapon enhancement and a five-year serious felony conviction enhancement; as to count 1, 16 months to be served consecutively with the term on count 4; as to count 2, 16 months, stayed pursuant to section 654; as to count 6, 16 months to be served consecutively with the terms on counts 1 and 4; and as to count 5, 180 days to be served concurrently with the terms on counts 1, 4, and 6.
NEW SOUTH WALES v. BILLY NDEGWAH MICAH was a 2018-19 Australia DRUG DISTRIBUTION conviction of the son of WEALTHY African Jehovah's Witness Parents living in Nairobi, Kenya. Although a member of a group of co-conspirators which regularly distributed large quantities of illegal drugs, this prosecution related merely to the distribution of 194 grams of MDMA ($12,950.00) during two months in 2017-18. Typically, the liberal Aussie judge repeatedly apologized to Billy Ndegwah Micah for having to sentence Micah to 22 months in prison, of which Billy N. Micah probably served about half. Although Billy Micah was unknown to Australia's Jehovah's Witness community, after Micah's arrest, Aussie JWs lined up to assist the "generous" Micah family. Edited excerpts:
He came to Australia in 2016 on a student visa, although ... his student visa has been cancelled, and he is subject to a restraining visa known as a "Justice" stay or visa. ... at the time of the offending, Mr Micah was 'clubbing' regularly and engaging in 'illicit behaviour with antisocial peers'. He was a user of cannabis and cocaine ... As he said to the Community Corrections officer, he has been drug-free since his arrest. He said in his affidavit:
"Every day I think about how much I regret my behaviour, working, attending church, and my education and career goals of mine, has helped me to stay focused on the right path in life now. I look forward to the day that I can put all this behind me and provide a positive contribution to the community through my chosen path."
I do not wish to dwell upon the material provided from his mother and father. It would appear both his mother and father are successful business people in Kenya, living in Nairobi, as I understand it, the capital of Kenya. They speak about his positive qualities, their concern about his welfare. They appear to be religious people, and have an understanding that he has resumed what his mother describes as his "Bible" routine. They reflect upon his success at school, he attended a boarding school and did well academically, hence his ability to come to Australia and study. He was a loyal, honest son and his family continue to have contact with him whilst he is in Australia and pray for his case to be dealt with mercifully.
I have a reference from a person who runs a business involved in the church that he attends. He observes the prisoner's reconnection with his religion since a short time after he was arrested. The referee notes that the prisoner has:
"Now reached the point where he has changed his life for the better and has qualified to be baptised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses at our upcoming assembly that we hold twice a year in our assembly hall at Raby. He has only reached this point because he has wanted to make changes based upon what he has learnt from the Bible in his studies. The idea of a Bible study is to help someone learn what Jehovah God requires of them, and then they decide whether or not to follow what it says. Billy has made the choice to do this, and it has benefited him greatly."
The referee notes that the prisoner has shared with others what he has learnt from his experience and tried to help other people from his experiences. He had developed a "generous attitude towards people", (probably not as generous as his JW Parents) and has made many great friends within the religious community in which he now mixes. That religious community, as I understand it, being the community from which he comes in Kenya.
I have a reference also from two uncles of the prisoner reflecting upon the quality of his parents' activities in Kenya, the shock to the family of the prisoner's arrest, the disappointment of the family at his behaviour, and the belief that he has the personal qualities to reform.
There is another reference from another member of his religious community which I have taken into account. It makes many of the same observations, however in fairness in different words that were made from the reference that I earlier quoted. This referee reflects upon the prisoner's involvement in his congregation as a "valuable member", and a person who is working hard to rehabilitate himself. I have taken all of that material into account.
It seems to me, based upon the totality of the evidence, that the prisoner has taken a sharp turn for the better since his arrest. It has been a salutary experience for him, and that he relevantly has excellent prospects of rehabilitation. (Is this Aussie judge really this stupid?)
WISCONSIN v. JAMES HERBERT HADLEY are multiple criminal convictions of a 72 year-old African-American Kenosha, Wisconsin resident who was released from prison in June 2022. James Hadley was arrested in January 2023 on charges alleging parole and probation violations. James H. Hadley is a registered sex offender who was convicted of a sexual assault in 1989. In 1973, Hadley was convicted of two armed robberies. In 1968, Hadley was arrested for selling drugs. In the 1990s, James H. Hadley was a plaintiff in a prison lawsuit in which Hadley complained that his constitutional rights had been violated when he was forced to return to his Jehovah's Witness Sister a large quantity of WatchTower literature that she had given him.
CALIFORNIA v. RICHARD RICHARDSON (1991) and CALIFORNIA v. RICHARD RICHARDSON (1998-2009) involve a third generation African-American Jehovah's Witness currently residing in San Quentin, but originally from Modesto, California. RR's JW GrandParents and JW Mother took young RR regularly to their local Modesto Kingdom Hall, but at some point, RR joined the neighborhood's streetgang. In 1991, 18 year old RR was convicted of being an accomplice in the shooting of a Modesto Police Officer, and he pled guilty in exchange for a lenient six year sentence.
Back to the hood on probation, in 1997, RR resumed gang activity, including selling drugs. RR and two other members of F-Troop decided to commit a home invasion armed robbery at a home in their own poor neighborhood. Only a miniscule amount of cash and food stamps were taken. While those locals refused to identify the three gangbangers during the prosecution, the police already had their statements made at the time of the crime. Originally sentenced to 47 years, in 2018, Gavin Newsome commuted RR's sentence such that he was immediately eligible for parole. Despite RR's leadership in the prison congregation, and having pioneered since being baptized in 2001, RR is still in San Quentin in 2023.
MISSOURI v. LEONARD SHELDON TAYLOR are multiple Missouri criminal prosecutions and convictions of yet another worthless POS African-American career criminal whom had been reared by a single Jehovah's Witness Mother, who probably was herself also the child of a JW Mother. Leonard S. Taylor (born 1964) was never prosecuted for the 1990 murder of a 19 year old A-A drug dealer in California, and in 2004, the LATimes even branded Taylor as a CHILD MOLESTER.
Leonard Taylor declares that he and his four siblings had a "good upbringing" in St. Louis. His "loving" mother was a Jehovah's Witness who was assisted by her own mother after Taylor's parents divorced when he was seven years old. There is no indication of a stepfather. "We played Scrabble and Monopoly and stuff like that," Taylor recalled. 'She raised us real well." His grandmother warned him against reefer, saying it was a gateway drug, and other family members told him "dope is for dopes". Taylor said he was "pretty much square". After graduating from Soldan High School, Taylor joined the Army, but quickly returned to St. Louis under unknown circumstances. "I've never gotten high myself," Taylor claims. "I've never smoked a joint in my life, never smoked cigarettes, never used cocaine, heroin. The only thing I've ever used as far as a substance goes, of course when I was in the military, we'd drink."
MISSOURI v. LEONARD S. TAYLOR (1991). Leonard Taylor soon discovered that selling drugs was lots easier and far more profitable than working at fast food restaurants. Taylor spent seven years in federal prison on cocaine distribution charges. Taylor spent his time in prison from 1991 to 1998 studying to be a paralegal and a white collar criminal. Soon facing multiple forgery and theft charges by 2000, Taylor was returned to prison until 2002.
MISSOURI v. LEONARD TAYLOR (1992). Conviction for forcible rape. Circumstances unknown.
MISSOURI v. LEONARD SHELDON TAYLOR (2004). In 2004, Leonard Taylor was convicted of the murders of girlfriend Angela Rowe, along with her five year old son, her six year old daughter, and her ten year old daughter. After shooting his girlfriend three times in her arm and torso during an argument and fight in which she came at Taylor with a kitchen knife, Taylor shot her in her head for good measure. Taylor then executed the three "witnesses" by shooting them in their heads.
MISSOURI v. LEONARD S. TAYLOR (2006). In 2006, Leonard Taylor was convicted of the forcible rape of a St. Louis teenager in 2000, and was sentenced to 100 years in prison. It is not known if this was why the LATimes branded Taylor a child molester, or whether that was referring to Taylor's 1992 rape conviction.
IN RE BE was a November 2022 New Zealand Immigration and Protection Tribunal appellate court reversal of the decision made by a refugee and protection officer to refuse to grant refugee status or protected person status to this Russian Jehovah's Witness Couple, who had spent decades moving from country to country showing little if any respect for the immigration or other laws of the countries where they entered and/or lived. A suspiciously dimwitted Kiwi Judge named "L. MOOR" granted the two JWs "refuge status" -- all while ignoring or minimizing the on-record evidence that these two Russian JWs had historically been as crooked as the letter "W". Here are pertinent edited excerpts:
The husband was born in ... 1973. ... completed military service between 1991 and 1993, ... He was reluctant to engage in any form of violence or handle arms during his military service. [Bullsh!t] ... in 1991, they married. The couple had two children, their son born in August 1993, and their daughter born in September 1999. The daughter is a citizen of the USA, after having been born there. The son is a citizen of Russia, and was born there. He currently lives in Mexico and is married to a Mexican [JW] citizen.
... in September 1996, the appellants relocated to the USA [where miraculously they were separately approached the exact same day by JWs, and instantly began "studying"] . They ... sought a permanent immigration status through a fraudulent marriage of the husband with an American citizen. The appellants themselves legally divorced, but remained a couple. ... In April 2003, the appellants were baptised at a Jehovah's Witness convention in New York. The children were present, but were not baptised. ...
In 2007, the husband was taken into immigration detention, ... The wife and children were not detained. ... The Jehovah's Witness community, including AA, an elder in their group, ... provided food, money and assistance with immigration matters. After the husband was deported to Russia in September 2007, his wife and children followed, one week later. They had overstayed their visas, ...
In 2012, the appellants sold their apartment in Russia and moved to Spain. They obtained student visas, ... In Spain, they found it difficult to attend Jehovah's Witness meetings. They could not understand Spanish properly and were trying to survive by working many hours. [Bullsh!t] The son set up a business providing immigration consulting, ... He was assisted by the husband, ... They charged clients wishing to relocate to Spain, EU1000. ... [for exactly what the] government ... charged very little [if anything]. ... disgruntled client reported them to the Spanish authorities. As a result, the son and husband were taken in for questioning by the police. They were held overnight. They did not understand the process due to their limited language skills and did not understand they were in fact arrested. [Bullsh!t] On 29 September 2013, they appeared in court and were released without bail after representations from their Russian-speaking lawyer.
As their visas were expiring, ... and to avoid being detained regularly if anyone made a false complaint against them, they decided to leave Spain and travel through Europe. ... The couple ... travelled, with their children to Italy, France and Germany. They were supported by Jehovah's Witnesses in each place. They decided to remain living in Germany for approximately six months, to properly experience life there. In 2014, the family returned to Russia. ...
The RSU file contains information from Interpol Madrid that confirmed he was detained in Barcelona on 27 September 2013 for fraud, and on 22 October 2013, for fraud and falsification of a public, official, or commercial document. Further, information from Interpol Madrid indicated that because he did not appear before the indicated court, a summons and search and arrest warrant was issued for the husband with a validity of five years.
Judicial Decree from Spain (2 March 2018) ... stating that an arrest warrant was issued by the Badalona Investigating Magistrate's Court on 23 March 2015 against the husband and the son, on the basis of their unknown whereabouts. It ordered a "provisional dismissal" of proceedings against them, until they had been located. ...
The Tribunal does not accept that the husband was unaware he still had legal proceedings to address in Spain. The family's sudden departure from Spain, including leaving belongings behind, indicates an exit was made in a rush. ...
The daughter was born [in the USA] into the Jehovah's Witness faith. ... She was baptised in Russia ... in February 2015, ... A year later, she and her brother travelled to Israel to continue their Jehovah's Witness studies. After returning to Russia, she relocated to the USA aged 16 years. She made return visits to Russia, during which she attended secret meetings held in her parents' apartment. While it was scary meeting covertly, ... The daughter then spent two to three months in the United Kingdom, where she was invited to stay with Jehovah's Witnesses.
In July 2016, the son was baptised in Italy. In November 2016, the son travelled to Mexico. He was still avoiding military service and decided to remain living in that country after meeting his [JW] wife there. ... He works remotely for a USA-based company. ... During 2017 to 2018, the son and his [Mexican JW] wife spent six months living in Russia. During this time, they witnessed and attended Jehovah's Witness meetings held secretly in their parents' apartment.
In April 2017, the Russian authorities closed the Kingdom Hall that the appellants attended. Following this, the congregation broke into smaller groups who would meet secretly in people's homes. One such group met in the appellants' apartment after May 2017. They would also connect with other groups online.
In February 2018, the husband was called to appear at the local police station. He went with his wife. He was advised that a customer had made a complaint ... saying they were involved in a scam. In July 2018, the appellants travelled to London by car via Belarus, Poland, Germany and France. After approximately one week, they returned by car via France, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Belarus.They did not claim refugee status at the time, as they were just taking a holiday to have time away from the stressful situation in Russia. ... In late March 2019, the appellants' neighbour, who was a member of a different Jehovah's Witness group, was holding a meeting in his apartment, when it was raided by the police. He and the group's members were arrested and taken away.
... in March 2019, the appellants, ... decided to book a holiday to Australia and New Zealand. They intended to remain outside of Russia ... moving between countries until they could obtain permanent residence in the USA under family reunification based on the daughter's American citizenship. She was entitled to sponsor them when she turned 21 years old. The appellants applied for visitor visas for New Zealand and Australia. The New Zealand visas were approved. In May 2019, the appellants departed Russia, without difficulties. In New Zealand, the appellants were met by Jehovah's Witnesses. Prior to their arrival in New Zealand, they had made contact with Russian-speaking Jehovah's Witnesses based here. ...
Whether It Be A Funeral or Near-Funeral,
Jehovah's Witnesses Are Trained To Never Permit A PR Opportunity To Be Wasted
JONATHAN MICHAEL MEYER v. QUICKTRIP CORPORATION are TWO 2019 and 2022-23 Georgia federal Personal Injury lawsuits for which we only have limited, partial information which does not explain to us what QuickTrip did wrong to justify their being sued. In fact, the media quoted local law enforcement as describing this QuikTrip store as being "safe and well lighted". It even was QuikTrip's exterior and interior security cameras that enabled law enforcement to identify the three perps. Hopefully, a reader can point out to us what we are overlooking.
Not much has changed in the nearly three months that have passed since a Florida motorist was shot outside an Adairsville convenience store. At about 3:30 a.m. on Monday, May 7, Jonathan Michael Meyer, 31, was driving south on Interstate 75, returning to his Clearwater, Florida, home, after attending a wedding in [McMinnville,] Tennessee. Feeling weary from an already long trip and facing the prospect of at least 12 more hours of driving, he decided to do the safe thing and parked his red Chevy pickup truck in the QuikTrip convenience store in Adairsville to take a nap.
Unknown to Meyer, three people sitting in a nearby car were about to change his life forever. One of them, a man described as wearing a light-colored T-shirt, a dark backpack and a dark baseball cap, approached the truck, pulled a gun and attempted to steal it. Meyer tried to drive away but the assailant shot him and then fled in a late 1990s Toyota Camry driven by a white female in a camouflage T-shirt.
Moments after the shooting, Adairsville Police and Bartow Emergency Medical Services units arrived on the scene. Meyer had been shot in the chest and Bartow EMS ordered him airlifted immediately to Erlanger Medical Center in Chattanooga with life-threatening injuries.
Adairsville Police Chief Mike Jones immediately requested assistance from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. In an example of textbook police work, all three suspects were in custody within 24 hours,. Destany Marie Schubert, 20, of LaFayette, identified as the driver of the Toyota Camry used to flee the scene, was arrested later that same night, while another accomplice, Kristy Lynn Davis, of Summerville, was arrested two days later in Ringgold. Michael Sean Conner, 25, the alleged shooter, was arrested in Marion County, Tennessee, after his attempt to steal another car resulted in a high-speed chase and crash.
But the shooting left Meyer paralyzed and unable to walk. "A bullet entered his chest, pierced his lung and crushed the T-4 vertebrae," said his mother, Colleen Meyer, of McMinnville, Tennessee. "He was immediately paralyzed from the waist down and the doctors aren't sure he will ever walk again. "He loves the outdoors, especially fishing. I think he has caught every type of big fish there is in the ocean. He and his boss are good fishing buddies." And even if he never walks again, he plans to fish, she said.
Meyer worked tirelessly as a property rehabilitation specialist, his mom said, but as a devout Jehovah's Witness, he always made time for his church. "When you are part of our church," Colleen Meyer, also a Jehovah's Witness, said, "you are also part of a big family."
The Meyers soon learned that the family tie extended to Adairsville. "From the first day, the Jehovah's Witnesses in Adairsville made sure we knew they were there for us," Colleen Meyer said. "Several times, groups from the Adairsville church would drive up to the hospital in Chattanooga just to see if there was anything we needed or anything they could do to help us. They really helped us get through those first days." They were there weeks later, when Jonathan was moved to the Shepherd Spinal Center in Atlanta.
"After Jonathan was discharged from the Shepherd Center, he wanted to go back to Clearwater to his church and his friends instead of coming home with us," Colleen Meyer said. "He is the youngest of our three boys and the only one that was born in Florida. I guess the beach is just in his blood."
But there was no way to care for him if he was in Florida. "Once again, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Clearwater stepped up," she said. "A couple that were friends with Jonathan volunteered to have him move in with them and they would take care of him."
[PHOTO] Adairsville Police Chief Mike Jones visited Jonathan Meyer a few days after the May 7 shooting at a local convenience store.
Jones visited Meyer in Chattanooga a few days after the shooting when Meyer was at his worst. He was relieved to learn of his recovery efforts. "Jonathan is a wonderful man who unfortunately did everything right on the morning of the incident," he said. "Please continue to keep Jonathan and his family in your thoughts and prayers as he still has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Please pray that Jonathan will continue to improve and gain more mobility and feeling each day that passes until he is up and walking again." -- THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS, BY NEIL B. MCGAHEE, AUGUST 2, 2018, Edited.
VICTORIA v. JOSHUA RAMOS (an interesting pseudonym selected by Australian authorities) was a 2021-22 SEXUAL ASSAULT pled guilty to by a temporarily wayward future Jehovah's Witness Elder. Ramos was born in Melbourne in 1994 as the youngest of three children in a "loving and supportive" extended Jehovah's Witness family, whom rallied around Ramos during this prosecution. "Bailed-out" Ramos even was permitted to move back in with his JWParents, despite the fact that Ramos had a girlfriend whom he impregnated shortly before court proceedings in October 2022. In 2018 and 2019, Ramos had been arrested twice for trafficking marijuana and dealing in stolen property -- both receiving the typical apologetic wrist-slap from Australia's liberal court system.
On a Saturday in July 2021, while living with a male friend at an apartment not far from his JWParents' home, Ramos made the acquaintance of the three early-20s females who lived in the apartment next door. The three girls supposedly were having their own private party when Ramos took his dogs outside into his fenced rear yard around 6:00PM. Two of the girls came outside, started their first conversation with Ramos, and even entered Ramos' yard to pet his dogs. All parties thereafter went back inside their own apartments.
Around 8:00PM, Ramos knocked on the girls' door, told them he was making a liquor run, and asked if they wanted anything. The Victim accompanied Ramos to the package store. Quickly back at 8:15PM, the girls also invited over Ramos' male roommate. At some point, Ramos retrieved marijuana from his apartment, started smoking such, and gave the Victim her "first puff". Victim fell asleep on the couch around 10:00PM, and around 10:30PM was taken upstairs to her bedroom by her sister and roommate.
Ramos and his roommate had to be asked to leave around midnight. Shortly thereafter, Ramos knocked on the girls' frontdoor. One of the Victim's roommates opened the door for Ramos, who barged inside stating that he wanted say goodnite to Victim's sister. Ramos went straight upstairs to the sister's bedroom, where Ramos was told to get out. Only a few minutes later, Ramos again knocked, and LIED that he had left his cellphone there. Ramos was not permitted inside, but was told to leave. For the following hour, Ramos either called or texted the Victim's sister 13 times.
Around 4:00AM, Ramos entered the girl's apartment through the reardoor, which was somehow "unlocked". Instead of going to the Victim's sister's bedroom, Ramos went upstairs to the Victim's bedroom, where Ramos climbed into her bed. The Victim woke up at some point to find Ramos groping her breasts and putting his hands inside her bra. Ramos also had pulled down her pants and was manipulating her vagina. After gathering her senses, the Victim got up and went to her sister's bedroom, and told her that Ramos was in her bedroom. Sister demanded for Ramos to leave. Only thereafter did the Victim tell her two roommates that Ramos had sexually assaulted her.
Ramos phoned and texted five times over the next half-hour, and repeatedly knocked the girls' front and back doors. The terrified girls finally called the police around 5:00AM. Ramos was arrested , but was bailed out of jail on Monday by his JWParents. Ramos was sentenced to only 18 months in prison, with parole possible after 9 months.
Non-JW readers will not "get this", but many Jehovah's Witnesses reared as door-knockers from the time that they are young children through their formative years develop a high disregard and disrespect for the residences of others. Just about any honest JW can relate their knowledge of multiple times that a door-knocking JW has trespassed at a home far more than their routine trespassing. Elsewhere in this website, we tell the tale of a JWElder who entered the unlocked home and even the bedroom of a home-alone female "study" who was hiding from his weekly door-knocking. JWMales love to trespass behind homes on sunny afternoons where it is an inevitability that a partially naked female eventually will be found sunbathing. I have never found a prosecution of one of these overly-apologetic trespassing perverts.
COMMONWEALTH v. ROBERT GLEN FORD was a 1997-99 Virginia CAPITAL MURDER prosecution. Limited info -- possibly due to internet being "swept" before June 2022 Associated Press article was released and published nationwide.
In October 1997, then 37 year-old African-American Robert Glen Ford joined in a "murder-for-hire" scheme, along with Anthony Dwayne Smiley and Enrico J. Alaia, to MURDER two males working at 288 Auto Sales, a Chesterfield County used car dealership. The two ACTUAL VICTIMS were Todd Emmanuel Taylor, age 36, of Chesterfield, Virginia, and Terry Lee Garner, age 43, of Mosley, Virginia. Their families unquestionably have been suffering since 1997.
Convicted of capital murder, Anthony D. Smiley and Enrico J. Alaia each received the DEATH PENALTY, but Enrico Alaia died in 2001 of ill health. (Alaia supposedly was an alcoholic. The only online photo is of a middle-aged cleancut guy wearing a white shirt and tie. Alaia's corpse was returned to Brooklyn for burial.) Anthony Smiley's death sentence was eventually reduced to "life" on appeal.
Robert Glen Ford PLEA BARGAINED for a 28 year sentence in exchange for his testimony against Smiley and Alaia. Robert G. Ford is scheduled to be released in February 2023 due to time-off for good behavior. Per the aforementioned June 2022 Associated Press article, in which Robert Glenn Ford is the featured CONVICT whose family is complaining about convicts having to fully serve their already reduced prison time, Robert G. Ford became a Jehovah's Witness in 2006, and supposedly is the prison group's leader. How many readers believe that "prison" was Robert Ford's first exposure to the Jehovah's Witnesses?
Jehovah's Witness Ministers nationwide and of all racial groups and genders are applying for SBA-PPP loans, which are known to regularly be "forgiven", and thus do not have to be repaid. Recently, nearly every time that we do a search on a suspect "Jehovah's Witness", we are finding SBA-PPP loans. Since we have limited additional info, we can't mention names, YET, but consider the following:
A WEALTHY caucasian JW Male reported to be used occasionally as a "Substitute Circuit Overseer" by the WatchTower Society recently applied for and received a SBA-PPP Loan in excess of $20,000.00 while living temporarily in a state several hundred miles from his homestate.
A late-20s African-American JW Male who lives in south Florida, and who claims to be a "Regular Pioneer" for 9 years, applied for and received TWO SBA-PPP Loans as a supposed "independent contractor realtor" -- one for $20,XXX.XX in March 2021, and a second one in April 2021 at a different bank in the amount of $15,XXX.XX.
The above scenario reminds this Editor of the STUDENT LOAN SCAM worked by Jehovah's Witnessess nationwide during the late 1990s through early 2000s, which we have never previously addressed here. As is true of the above, noone but the scammers, their banks, their schools, and the government knew the full details of every individual case, but we overheard during field service one JW PIONEER SCAMMER explaining the SCAM to another JW PIONEER. Here is what we still recall from two decades ago:
JW Pioneer Scammer told JW Pioneer to go down to local "technology school" and sign up for the minimum number of classes/hours to qualify for a government guaranteed student loan. MAX OUT the loan amount. Such would include JW Pioneer's living expenses for the specified number of terms/semesters. JW Pioneer would then "pioneer" while attending only the required minimum number of classes. JW Scammer claimed she rarely went to class, and rarely did any of the work. JW Scammer claimed that JW Pioneer could later default on the loan with little expectation that the government would attempt to collect. In fact, this Editor knows that JW Pioneer Scammer dropped out of school as soon as the money ran out, and JW Scammer never ever was employed using any of the learned skills. Only a few years later, JW Scammer filed bankruptcy.
UNITED STATES v. IAN BENJAMIN ROGERS is an ongoing 2021-22 California federal criminal court case. In January 2021, in response to an anonymous tip, the home and auto repair business of "Trump Supporter" Ian B. Rogers, age 44, of Napa, California, were searched by the Napa Sheriff's department. Ian Rogers was arrested after items believed to be three unregistered and/or illegally converted fully automatic rifles, and five pipe bombs, or parts thereof, were discovered. Approximately 45 legally owned and properly stored high value rifles, handguns, and related ammunition were also seized.
Later in 2021, Ian Rogers and an acquaintance were charged by the federal government with plotting to blow up the California Democratic Party headquarters based on multiple exchanges of texts which anyone with only a sprinkling of common sense would interpret as harmless inebriated middle-aged male bravado. Ian Rogers also was charged with violations of federal law related to the five pipe bombs and three fully automatic rifles. There is little chance that either man will receive an equitable plea bargain offer, or a trial where common sense dominates. Unfortunately, a sentence of less than 10-12 years will likely be a victory for Rogers. The simple fact of the matter is that in 2020s United States of America conservative Republicans are routinely being imprisoned for fantasy "thought crimes", while liberal communist Democrats actually commit such crimes without so much as acknowledgment by the federal and state Gestapo - KGB.
Ian Benjamin Rogers' Jehovah's Witness Mother has spoken with reporters and also seems to think that a mountain has been made out of a molehill. Ian Roger's divorced and handicapped father reportedly lived above his son's business and regularly observed Ian and his hobbies -- as did Ian's mother. Ian Roger's parents likely are highly disappointed that Ian rebelled against his "no-guns" and "no-politics" upbringing. Ian Rogers' personal and business history and reputation previously were admirable -- despite a recent divorce and re-marriage.
CROWN v. ALLEN RANDALL (2022) presents the story of an Australian male who was reared as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. "Allen Randall" is a pseudonym, and details of Randall's youth are limited. Randall was born in Wagga Wagga in 1964. Randall's parents quickly separated, and around 1967, Randall's mother married a Jehovah's Witness Minister living in Western Australia. Randall received the typical strict upbringing. After leaving school after Year 10, Randall worked with his JW stepfather in his masonry business for an unknown period of time.
When Randall was 25 years old, Randall lived with an unnamed female under unknown circumstances for about two years. In 1990, Randall began a relationship with a possible widow who owned a farm near Warragul. Randall moved in with her and her three daughters in 1992. From around 1994 until 2005, Randall began sexually molesting those three daughters -- beginning with the oldest when she was around 12 years old. Randall soon began to molest the next oldest -- when she was only 8 years-old. The youngest daughter was sexually abused from around 2001 until 2005 -- when she was 13 to 17 years-old.
The three sisters all went to the police in 2019. Randall, by then a youth sports coach, was convicted in 2021 of 16 counts of incest, along with two related counts. Randall was sentenced to 20 years in prison with a non-parole period of 14 years 8 months.
Randall's American live-in girlfriend was forced to return to the USA. What are the odds that Randall and she came to know each other via a XJW discussion forum? Randall's prior convictions for violent behavior and dishonesty were not detailed. Thank goodness for Randall's WatchTower Cult upbringing!!!
The following 1960s-80s criminal court case summaries are moved to the top of the heap due to the fact that this LIBERAL HERO case has been BURIED for decades by both the liberal community and WatchTower Society, such that we just discovered such in 12/2021. Given at least one SCOTUS appeal, the fact that only limited/scattered details are available is simply astounding.
GEORGIA v. EURACE SPIVEY (19??), GEORGIA v. EURACE SPIVEY (19??), GEORGIA v. EURACE SPIVEY (19??), and GEORGIA v. EURACE SPIVEY (19??). As of 1989, African-American Eurace Spivey had been convicted in Georgia of BURGLARY on four (4) separate occasions.
GEORGIA v. EURACE SPIVEY (1964-65). In May 1965, 18 year-old African-American Eurace Spivey was convicted of RAPING a 77 year-old Caucasian woman, and robbing her of $12. Spivey was sentenced to the DEATH PENALTY, by a now infamous "all-white jury".
Not only did Eurace Spivey somehow escape the electric chair, but by 1983, after spending only 19 years in prison, Eurace Spivey was once again walking the streets of Atlanta knocking doors as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Eurace Spivey even was privileged to have been permitted to work on a Kingdom Hall construction project as an "exemplary" Jehovah's Witness. Apparently, Eurace Spivey had been reared in a large extended family of African-American Jehovah's Witnesses.
GEORGIA v. EURACE SPIVEY (1987). In March 1987, on a Saturday night just before midnight, 39 year-old Eurace Spivey confronted with a handgun two 15 year-old "parkers" in an Atlanta park. Spivey robbed both teens of their jewelry before then taking the time to RAPE the girl TWICE before leaving. The very next night, Eurace Spivey attempted the same crimes with two 17 year-old "parkers", but after being robbed, the teens managed to escape. SCOTUS denied cert on at least one appeal in 1997.
STUPID READERS LIKE US probably think that given all of the above, Eurace Spivey probably spent the rest of his life in prison. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Paroled July 2020.
ALABAMA v. NATHANIEL WOODS. "Innocent" African-American Jehovah's Witness-reared DRUG DEALER Nathaniel Woods was executed by lethal injection in March 2020 after having been convicted as an accomplice in the murders of three police officers at the Drug House that Nathaniel Woods and his partner were operating in Birmingham, Alabama, in June 2004. A week after Woods' execution, Nathaniel Woods' JW-reared sister interrupted Alabama Governor Kay Ivey's press conference, and repeatedly accused the Governor, "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER."
"Nate" Woods conviction and sentence had been thoroughly reviewed by the appellate and Supreme courts of Alabama, as well as SCOTUS, and not a single court saw fit to stop the execution of Nathaniel Woods. Nate Woods was a highly disrespectful, loud-mouthed (wonder where he got those traits?) worthless crack dealer (estimated 1000 sales per week) who had a history of cursing and insinuating threats at present police and jail officers, and directly threatening to injure and/or kill police officers behind their backs. Only six months prior to the June 2004 murders, in December 2003, in Fairfield, Alabama, Nathaniel Woods was fortunate to have only been arrested -- and not been shot -- during a needless intentional encounter of bravado with police that until that point hadn't even involved Woods. Nate Woods' crack house was an armed fortress, and Woods was often seen carrying weapons when he was outside.
Mother defends son who "knows Jehovah God"
While law enforcement officials across the state on Tuesday were attending the last of three funerals for the Birmingham police officers killed last week, a mother was defending her son against the violent image that has been painted by the police and media. Nathaniel Woods, 27, and his friend, Kerry Marquise Spencer, 24, are charged with capital murder in the three shooting deaths that occurred Thursday in Ensley. They also face attempted murder charges for allegedly shooting at a fourth officer who was not injured. ...
Pamela Woods said the Nathaniel Woods she raised on Stillman Boulevard could not have committed these crimes. "He's not that kind of man. He's the type of person who would give you his last (???) before he'd use it on himself. My son did not and would not kill anyone. He does not wish to take anyone's life."
Her son was identified as a suspect soon after the midday shootings. Tuscaloosa police were headed to the home of Pamela Woods in case he had fled here, but he was arrested before they arrived. Birmingham Police Chief Annetta Nunn has said someone other than Nathaniel Woods was believed to have fired the fatal shots.
Pamela Woods said her son told her that he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger and killed the three police officers who were coming to arrest him on a misdemeanor domestic violence warrant. And if he were lying to his mother? "I would know that," she said.
The elegant and well-spoken single mother also wonders why her son still is accused of this crime after Spencer allegedly confessed to the crimes. "The police know that Spencer confessed to the crimes on the evening [they] were committed," Pamela Woods said. "But yet, they still charge my son. Why?"
Pamela Woods taught her son and two daughters to respect the teachings of God as Jehovah's Witnesses. She was not strict, but said her house had rules. Rules that Nathaniel Woods lived by. As a student at Central High School, Nathaniel Woods began a prayer group at home, Pamela Woods said. And when he would venture out to play with friends, he routinely came back home to check on his mother and two younger sisters.
Pamela Woods' sister, Synthia Sherman, also lives in Tuscaloosa and remembers her nephew as a quiet youth who respected others and loved God, video games and basketball. "Nathaniel is the type of young man who says 'yes ma'am' and 'no ma'am, [and] he never got into fights in the neighborhood,'" Sherman said. "And he used to come to my house and pray. "He'd just get down on his knees and pray out[loud]."
The teenager [Synthia] Sherman and Pamela Woods described as modest and reserved had a run-in with police in 1994. He was accused of breaking into a sporting goods store and stealing a rifle scope. His family said that then, like now, he was wrongly accused. Sherman said Nathaniel Woods admitted taking the rifle from a friend, but did not commit the burglary. This is something Nathaniel Woods pleaded guilty to, and the burglary and theft charges were dropped.
However, the mistakes of the youth shouldn't be used against the man of today, they said. "All young men and women have their juvenile histories," Pamela Woods said. "They're allowing his past to speak for his present," Sherman said, "and that's not right."
They also deny that Nathaniel Woods threatened two Fairfield police officers late last year. Nathaniel Woods was appealing a conviction on the menacing charge, but had missed a June 3 court appearance on the matter.
At the time of the shootings, Nathaniel Woods was laid off from his construction job and separated from the [BABY MOMMA] of his 4-year-old daughter. Their relationship had their ups and downs, Pamela Woods said, and it was the [BABY MOMMA] who made the domestic violence accusation. Pamela Woods said she doubts the accusation was legitimate.
When police arrived at 1619 18th St. in Ensley to arrest Nathaniel Woods on that warrant, he was hanging out with Spencer and some other friends. Pamela Woods said her son had no idea one of his friends was going to shoot [a high-powered SKS military rifle] at the four officers. "My son can't read the minds of other people," she said. "He had no idea what Mr. Spencer was thinking at the time the shootings took place."
Pamela Woods learned that her son was being linked to the murders when her daughter called her at work. Since then, her nights have devoid of sleep and full of prayer. "My stomach's always messed up; I have to force myself to eat," Pamela Woods said. "But I put my trust in God that things will work out for the best." [they did!!!]
Her son also is struggling to keep his head high, but is relying on God for strength, she said. "He knows Jehovah God," she said.
Both women said Tuesday that they feel for the families of the slain officers and wish that the survivors could peer through their anger and see the man they watched grow up. "Don't be angry with him for the murders until you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his hand pulled the trigger," [Synthia] Sherman said.
"My heart goes out to the families," Pamela Woods said, "and I wish they could see my son is innocent and did not commit the crime against these officers." -- TUSCALOOSA NEWS, JUNE 22, 2004. EDITED.
CROWN v. ANDREW WEBBER. In January 2022, a UK Jehovah's Witness Minister named Andrew Webber, of St. Andrews, pled guilty to charges of careless driving and failing to co-operate with authorities. Sheriff John Rafferty fined Webber roughly $1850.00 USD, and took Webber's driver's license for 18 months. Webber's attorney confirmed Webber's status as a JW Minister, and claimed that Webber had not been intoxicated. Instead, Webber's attorney stated that Webber has had long standing mental health issues, and was upset over a family matter at the time of the incident.
Deputy Christina Allen testified in Dundee Sheriff Court how police discovered Webber inside his vehicle on the wrong side of the road. "At 6.30pm, a witness heard a car alarm and an engine revving quite highly and then observed the accused in the vehicle, striking the wall of a business. The witness observed the accused's behaviour and thought he might be under the influence and called the police. At 6.53pm police arrived and made their way to the accused's vehicle, which was on the wrong side of the road."
Deputy Allen said an officer asked the accused to stop, but Webber continued to drive slowly towards her, before coming to a halt. When asked to provide a breath test, Webber refused to comply, citing "religious reasons". When asked to provide personal details -- his name, address, date of birth, and nationality -- Webber refused, again citing his WatchTower religious beliefs. Upon being transported to police headquarters in Dundee, Webber still refused to comply with a breath test.
JORDAN MARK DOIDGE v. NEW ZEALAND was a 2020-21 Kiwi criminal court case. Jordan M. Doidge was sentenced to 28 1/2 months' imprisonment in May 2021 on four charges of stealing motor vehicles and three charges of receiving stolen motor vehicles. Doidge appealed that sentence. Doidge contended that the sentence was manifestly excessive, and that he should have been sentenced to home detention. On appeal, THE HIGH COURT OF NEW ZEALAND quashed the trial court sentence and substituted an electronically monitored sentence of 11 months' home detention, reasoning in part: (edited)
In addition to the standard conditions Mr Doidge must be subject to under a sentence of home detention, I would impose a special condition regarding the undertaking of psychological treatment directed by Mr Doidge's probation officer as was recommended in Mr Neilson's psychologist's report. Accordingly, I impose a special condition that Mr Doidge, as directed by his probation officer, is to undertake a course of offence-related cognitive treatment for his offending and to address the negative effects of his childhood upbringing generally. ...
In Mr Doidge's affidavit, he describes a difficult upbringing dictated by his family's financial hardship and their strict religious practices and moral code as Jehovah's Witnesses. Due to his parents' beliefs, Mr Doidge was not allowed to celebrate Christmas or attend his peers' birthday parties or events, and he struggled emotionally with the "doomsday doctrine" they subscribed to that predicted the world would imminently end. His family also required him to go door knocking to "witness" the Jehovah faith to others, and prohibited him from having romantic partners, all of which contributed to him being ostracised, bullied, feeling alienated from his peers, and struggling to maintain relationships. He deposes that, because of this traumatic upbringing, he persists in toxic relationships, which led him to associate with people involved in drugs and criminal activity.
Mr Neilson's psychological report confirms Mr Doidge's evidence about his childhood's lasting effect on him and its causal link to the offending. Mr Neilson explains:
"In summary, the critical links between Mr Doidge's dysfunctional early background and his recent offending have been his years of toxic experience producing an ostracised outsider, needing to be accepted, with no learning in how to connect skilfully with good influences. That has meant that in early childhood he has made poor decisions, motivated by the desire to please and for instant gratification with those who would take advantage of him and have him offend for them."
Mr Neilson observes Mr Doidge's traumatic childhood experiences, during which "he had no capacity to defend himself ... in what was the most powerful learning period of his life", have had an enduring and pervasive influence on him such that they have "come to form the bases of personality patterns" including elements of Avoidant Personality Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Mr Neilson concludes that Mr Doidge's ... early developmental years were influenced by unwitting but emotional, neglectful parenting heavily influenced by the father's close association and interpretation of Jehovah's Witness doctrine in the JW Church and Mr Doidge's strong negative response to that. ...
Again, it is believed by the writer that a key causative feature in Mr Doidge's recent offending has been his disadvantaged complex childhood where he battled with an alternative authoritative doctrine of Jehovah's Witness church ... Unwittingly his desperate needs to connect and belong served instead to push others away and isolate him even more. In rejecting what his father represented he lurched into another setting of criminality, always wanting to please and be accepted.
Although I do not consider the evidence before the Court demonstrates Mr Doidge has faced systemic deprivation, it is possible for direct cultural factors to provide an explanation for the offending or to mitigate culpability, provided the offender's cultural upbringing has impaired their choice and diminished their moral culpability so as to establish a causal contribution to the offending.
Having carefully considered all the evidence in this matter and in particular the extensive new evidence recently put before this Court which the District Court did not have the benefit of, I am satisfied Mr Doidge's particularly stringent and isolated religious upbringing has had a causal contribution to his present offending. In my view, Mr Doidge's choice has been impaired by his formative childhood experiences to the extent he was deprived of the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills enabling him to extricate himself from negative relationships. This socially impoverished upbringing affected his personality so that, when Mr Doidge developed a friendship, he does almost anything to maintain it. This desperation to connect unfortunately escalated to the point that, when Mr Doidge recently met a new associate, a car dismantler, he acquiesced to his demands and committed the car theft and receiving offences in order to please him.
KENTUCKY v. MICHAEL NATHANIEL GOETZE SIMON (2013). In June 2013, Michael Nathaniel Goetze aka Michael Nathaniel Simon, age 32, then of London, Kentucky, was arrested on charges of THEFT BY UNLAWFUL TAKING. $10,000.00 bond. Bench Warrant For Court issued/served in November 2013. Further details/outcome unknown.
Originally born in California, Michael N. Goetze aka Michael N. Simon was brought to Kentucky by his Jehovah's Witness Mother sometime in the 1990s after she divorced from famous Jehovah's Witness newsman, Tom Avila aka Thomas Simon. Michael Goetze aka Michael Simon has multiple FAMOUS Uncles and a deceased Grandfather who are/were all national reporters, and apparently all are/were Jehovah's Witness Ministers. Grandfather James W. Simon aka James Avila was a Jehovah's Witness Minister as was Michael Goetze's father, Thomas Simon, aka Tom Simon, aka Tom Avila. Uncle Jaie Simon aka Jay Simon, aka Jay Avila, aka Jaie Avila also is a famous reporter and Jehovah's Witness Minister. FAMOUS Uncle Jim Avila, aka James Avila, aka Jim Simon, real name apparently is James Simon Jr., although it is reported as various aliases. Deceased reporter Chris Simon was also a member of this famous Jehovah's Witness family -- whose "buried" real identities apparently have required the cooperation and facility of the very ELITE of the liberal media.
In July 2015, Michael N. Goetze owned/operated a carpet cleaning and janitorial business called Advanced Carpet Care in the London - Laurel County, Kentucky area. Michael Nathanel Goetze went missing for 3 weeks from his wife, Laura Goetze, and their home in London, Kentucky. A NATIONWIDE MANHUNT ensued by not only his famous relatives, but the entire Jehovah's Witness community. Mike Goetze was eventually located in California driving an automobile reportedly owned by an unidentified Kentucky third-party, and living out of a small homemade travel trailer, which somehow supposedly belonged to his father, Tom Simon, who then lived in Arizona, and who had not seen Michael.
KENTUCKY v. MICHAEL NATHANIEL GOETZE SIMON (2015). One media report seemed to indicate that there was a Kentucky warrant issued due to the allegedly non-owned automobile driven to California by Mike Goetze, but we cannot locate any further action on such. BUT, THEN, we cannot locate any further legal action on any of his arrests or detainments. Must be nice to be the nephew/son of 5-6 FAMOUS Jehovah's Witness Ministers, who all are/were part of the AMERICAN LIBERAL ELITE.
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Short BIBLE TOPIC Readings Selected For Those With Jehovah's Witnesses Backgrounds
Wifely Subjection: Mental Health Issues in Jehovah's Witness Women
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness
The Theocratic War Doctrine: Why Jehovah's Witnesses Lie In Court
Blood Transfusions: A History and Evaluation of the Religious, Biblical, and Medical Objections (Jehovah's Witnesses perspective)